I show you how powerful kelp powder is for preventing and getting rid of plaque buildup on your teeth. I also give you a remineralizing and whitening kelp tooth powder recipe.
Have you ever considered using kelp powder for teeth improvement and plaque prevention?
I know, substituting commonly used products in favor of non-chemical alternatives sounds drastic and even questionable.
But hear me out on this: would you sacrifice your overall health and well-being just to attain a celebrity smile?
Of course, it’s not worth it. And I’m referring to the commercial toothpaste brands that apparently incorporate toxic ingredients into their oral hygiene products.
While these kinds of toothpaste aim to protect your teeth from plaque buildup, you’re likely to achieve safer and even better results with kelp powder.
In today’s blog, I’ll share with you a recipe that uses kelp powder and a few other ingredients that make up a powerhouse combination of plaque-busting agents to replace your regular toothpaste.
4 Benefits Of Kelp Powder For Teeth
Kelp powder is extracted from the brown seaweed that grows and thrives in many coastal areas.
With its all-natural origin, I guess you’re prepared to learn about the benefits it can give to your oral health, particularly your teeth.
1. It Fights Plaque From Within
What was originally a study intended to discover the seaweed’s potential in removing bacteria from the ship’s hull, has turned into a light bulb moment for Newcastle University dental researchers.
Apparently, there’s an enzyme found in the seaweed’s bacteria that attacks and destroys plaque before it ruins your whole set of teeth.
Taking a cue from this groundbreaking discovery, other researchers have set out to prove if oral ingestion of dried seaweed capsules is effective for oral health.
The results? A significant improvement in the calculus, plaque removal, and gingival health of the adult participants.
If that’s not enough to convince you, there’s another study conducted on dogs wherein the pets were given edible treats containing seaweed extracts.
The results have confirmed it: there’s an improvement in the teeth and gum health of the fury babies.
2. It Makes Calculus (Hardened Dental Plaque) Easier To Remove
Kelp powder is so powerful that it makes even the hardest plaque buildup become more porous and almost less solid.
And what does it mean for your oral health?
It simply means your dentist won’t have a hard time scaling your plaque off your affected teeth.
This is proven by the same human study mentioned above and just confirms the efficacy of oral ingestion of kelp powder in preventing tooth decay.
3. It Attacks Plaque With Every Brushing
Another way to use kelp powder is to actually brush with it.
This gives its plaque-busting enzyme a better opportunity to work intensely on ridding your teeth of unsightly buildups and even the actual bacteria that causes them.
Although kelp powder comes from seaweed that is considered as algae, it has antibacterial properties that dissolve strep and staph bacteria which are causing your plaque and gingivitis.
4. It Is Non-Toxic
Kelp powder, unlike toothpaste, can be ingested without you suffering from adverse side effects.
In fact, you can add this extract into your daily meals or take them in supplement form.
This makes plaque removal easier to do, unlike with toothpaste that won’t completely rid you of dental problems like tooth decay despite regular brushing.
How To Use Kelp Powder For Teeth
To use kelp powder for teeth, you may simply brush with it like you would a toothpaste.
You can use the tooth powder recipe that I’ve made, which combines kelp’s plaque-busting qualities with teeth whitening and remineralizing abilities from other ingredients.
Similarly, you can also add kelp powder into your dishes or consume it as a food supplement to combat tartar, plaque, and calculus from within.
Not only will it benefit your teeth, but it will also help with depositing necessary nutrients into your body when ingested.
How To Use Kelp Powder For Dogs Teeth
To use kelp powder for dogs’ teeth, you should aim for the right amount to add to your pet’s food.
It is important to note that kelp extract contains traces of iodine due to the environment it grew in: the saltwater.
Excessive amounts of iodine may lead to hypothyroidism in your canine friends.
But don’t be alarmed. Simply scoop a teaspoon or less of kelp powder and mix it thoroughly with your dog’s food.
You can give it sparingly to your pet as a treat or as an occasional meal.
Why You Should Avoid Standard Toothpaste
There’s a lot that goes into the making of your favorite toothpaste.
And if we’re being honest, we don’t really care what those ingredients are.
That is until scientific research re-examines their toxicity levels and potential adverse effects on your overall health.
A closer look into the common components of a standard toothpaste will surely surprise you.
Here are just some of the popular ingredients you should be wary of:
1. Triclosan
This ingredient is commonly added to cosmetics and personal hygiene products that it barely escapes the scrutiny of the FDA.
Why is it even there?
Apparently, triclosan offers an antibacterial remedy that will improve your oral health.
But such benefit cannot overshadow the dangers of constant exposure to this ingredient.
For one, it has shown antibiotic resistance and interferes with the hormone production of the thyroid.
By brushing your teeth with a triclosan-added toothpaste, you are exposing yourself to serious illnesses.
2. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)
Surfactants such as SLS are necessary ingredients that provide toothpaste its foaming action.
But a teeth remedy doesn’t actually need to create a thick foam in order to be effective at cleansing.
In fact, SLS has been linked to a number of cases of skin irritation and organ system toxicity.
Imagine being exposed to SLS-laden toothpaste day and night.
You’re likely to develop a serious health problem in the near future.
3. Aspartame
Because a toothpaste without “taste” is boring, manufacturers decided to include aspartame to improve the flavor and consequently make people enjoy brushing.
But would you believe that it breaks down into a carcinogenic and neurotoxicant formaldehyde?
When formaldehyde leach into your brain from the blood, it can seriously damage your cognitive, behavioral, and memory functioning.
4. Propylene Glycol
This ingredient is present in your favorite toothpaste for a reason that cannot be justified.
While it gives the product its moisture quality, in return, you might suffer from allergic reactions on top of depression, cardiovascular disease, and blood toxicity.
5. Fluoride
Yes, this ever-present ingredient is actually the active component in your toothpaste.
And despite decades of commercial use, fluoride has recently been found to negatively influence the behavior of neurotransmitters.
On top of that, fluoride also helps speed up the degeneration of healthy tissues and ultimately disrupt brain functioning.
Kelp Tooth Powder Ingredients
Now that you know how beneficial kelp is for your teeth, I’m going to share some of the benefits of the other ingredients in my tooth powder recipe.
My recipe contains kelp powder, bentonite clay, activated charcoal, baking soda, peppermint oil, clove oil, and xylitol.
Benefits Of Bentonite Clay For Teeth
Because of its geological origin as a product of volcanic ash, bentonite clay naturally possesses minerals that help deposit nutrients into your teeth.
Remineralization is the process by which bentonite clay restores the lost minerals from your teeth that is potentially causing the enamel and tooth composition to weaken.
By adding back calcium and other nutrients into your mineral-deficient teeth, bentonite clay can help improve your dental health.
Aside from strengthening the composition of your teeth, this clay also serves as a mild abrasive that fights plaque and prevents gum disease.
It even promotes longer-lasting fresh breath with every brush.
Benefits Of Activated Charcoal For Teeth
From pore impurities to dental cavities, activated charcoal never fails to amaze me of its wonderful benefits to overall health.
It works on your teeth mainly as a dentifrice or a whitening agent.
Although it is effective, care must be taken because it is still an abrasive that might hurt your teeth enamel.
But once done properly and only occasionally brushed with, activated charcoal can help reveal pearly white teeth.
It draws the bacteria and toxins that reside in and between your teeth like a magnet so you can experience deep cleaning.
Benefits Of Baking Soda For Teeth
Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is another dentifrice that you’re probably familiar with already.
Aside from its use in the kitchen, it is also being incorporated into oral hygiene routine by many.
It is a mild abrasive that helps dissolve impurities and has a bleaching effect that whitens the teeth effectively.
Not only is it non-toxic, but it also doesn’t produce adverse reactions when accidentally ingested.
Just like activated charcoal, baking soda needs special care and less frequency when being used to avoid scraping off the teeth’s enamel.
Benefits Of Peppermint Oil For Teeth
Beyond giving your toothpowder a special minty flavor, peppermint essential oil actually inhibits biofilm formation on your teeth.
Biofilm is that slimy film that attaches to your teeth’s enamel.
Peppermint oil prevents its growth while also not resisting the antibiotic effects of other drugs administered for oral health.
It is antibacterial and antifungal, which means it inhibits the development of staph bacteria that is the prime suspect in tooth decay.
Benefits Of Clove Oil For Teeth
Another oil that has a therapeutic effect on teeth is clove oil.
It is actually widely used in dentistry for its antifungal and antibacterial qualities that help inhibit the growth of staph bacteria in the mouth.
With its main component, eugenol, it also reduces the chance of gum and teeth diseases.
Benefits Of Xylitol For Teeth
Don’t be confused by its chemical-sounding name.
It’s just sugar alcohol generally derived from plants.
Xylitol prevents dental caries which is a common oral infection affecting many people.
The first anti-caries chewing gum was invented containing xylitol.
Since then, it has been popularly used in dentistry to aid in dental health improvement.
For one, it reduces plaque formation and biofilm adherence to the teeth surface.
Additionally, xylitol impedes the rate of demineralization of tooth enamel and even contribute to the removal of mutans strep bacteria.

Remineralizing And Whitening Kelp Tooth Powder Recipe
This tooth powder is all you need to completely remineralize your teeth, whiten them and protect against and reverse plaque. You will notice the difference after just one use.
Baking soda and activated charcoal are very effective at removing stains from the teeth. However, they may be a little abrasive to use every day.
So what I would do if you want to use this tooth powder every day and still whiten your teeth is to make 2 versions, one without the activated charcoal and baking soda which can be used every day, and one with all of the ingredients which you use once every 3 days.
- ¼ cup kelp powder
- ¼ cup bentonite clay
- ¼ cup baking soda
- 2 tablespoons of activated charcoal powder
- 20 drops of peppermint essential oil
- 5 drops clove essential oil (optional)
- 2 tablespoons xylitol (optional for adding sweetness)
- Mixing bowl
- Stir stick
- Glass jar for storage
- Electric toothbrush (optional)
- Mix all of the ingredients together in a small bowl.
- Transfer to an airtight container and store it in your bathroom. (I like these glass jars).
It will last for a very long time, at least 1 year as all of the ingredients used are shelf-stable. - To use: wet your toothbrush (I like this electric toothbrush because it comes with a water flosser which I think is essential for good oral health) and dip it into the container to coat your toothbrush in the powder.
- Brush for 2 minutes.
- If multiple family members are using this tooth powder, store it in a different container for each family member.
Kelp powder, along with a few select ingredients, can be a better alternative to your usual toothpaste that never lives up to its promise of better dental hygiene.
With actual effects visible after ingestion AND brushing, this tooth powder recipe is the answer to most of your oral hygiene woes such as plaque, stains, and bad breath.
If you care enough for the health of the rest of your body, you should decide not to use commercial toothpaste that contains harmful toxicants.
Not only do they pose a health risk, but they are clearly not as efficient at plaque and stain removal as this tooth powder is.
I hope you can try using this kelp powder for teeth improvement which actually works and is safe for regular use.
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