25 Incredible Benefits Of A Spa (Day, Treatments, Tub, Pool)

There are so many incredible benefits of a spa day.  The treatments, pool, hot tub, jacuzzi, bath, sauna, and steam room all work wonders for your health.

25 Incredible Benefits Of A Spa (day, Treatments, Tub, Pool)

As a mom, it’s easy to get out of sync due to the chaos of running the household.

And we don’t even have the luxury of time to spend pampering ourselves.

The only solution I can see being a mom myself is to set aside a day where you can tune out of all cares and just ease your mind and beaten body.

I recommend that you take a spa day to feel renewed afterward if you’re able to find the time. 

Even if you can’t manage to get to a spa for a day, a lot of the tips I’m about to share with you can be used at home if you can find a spare 10 minutes at the end of a long day. 

Here are some reasons why spas will totally rejuvenate you. 

Incredible Benefits Of A Spa Day

25 Incredible Benefits Of A Spa (Day, Treatments, Tub, Pool); Woman relaxing while lying down at the spa

1) A Spa Day Helps You To De-Stress

The atmosphere that is set by a spa day is enough to make your mind relax. But the real relaxation actually happens with the use of spa tools and treatments that can trigger the neurotransmitters in your brain and release the “feel good” chemicals such as serotonin and dopamine. These hormones take charge of your mood to make you feel better.

2) A Spa Day Aids In Muscle Strain Recovery

If you’re aching all over due to day-long house chores, carrying toddlers and working a job alongside that, you can pause for a while and treat yourself to a spa experience to ease sore muscles. A few spa treatments like massage and dry brushing can stimulate the blood vessels that can help reduce inflammation on the aching body part.

Check out the body brush that I recommend.

3) A Spa Day Detoxifies Your Body

Depending on your preferred treatment, a spa experience can even detoxify your body. Toxins are released through sweat and a heated bath, making you feel lighter and cleaner inside out.

Irresistible Benefits Of A Spa Day At Home

25 Incredible Benefits Of A Spa (Day, Treatments, Tub, Pool); Spa setting

4) An At-Home Spa Day Promotes Better Sleep

One good thing about an at home spa is that you’re a few steps away from your own bed once you’re done with your preferred treatment. Because it relaxes your mind and body, your temperature will drop which is a signal that you’re ready to sleep. This is ideal for people suffering from insomnia.

5) An At-Home Spa Day Energizes Your Body

Interestingly, the at-home spa is as effective in making you feel more alive as it is in summoning your sleep. During the day, you can take an aromatherapy shower or bath to invigorate your body after a deep sleep. The essential oils you used can help dilate your blood vessels so you can feel energized throughout the day.

{RELATED POST: DIY Wakeup Shower Melts}

6) An At-Home Spa Day Frees You Up Of Anxiety

Similar to the effect of dopamine and serotonin release, taking a spa break can help you avoid anxiety. With all the concerns going on in your mind, a good massage is all that you need to shoo them away until you feel ready to tackle them.

Wonderful Benefits Of Spa Treatments

25 Incredible Benefits Of A Spa (Day, Treatments, Tub, Pool); spa beauty

7) Body And Facial Scrubs Exfoliate The Skin

Microbeads in form of fruit granules and other ingredients can help exfoliate dead skin cells. Scrubs can be a variety of recipes aimed at helping you shed off your dry skin aside from providing a massaging effect.

8) Spa Ingredients Help Brighten The Skin And Under-Eyes

Some spa treatments use ingredients that help rejuvenate tired and dark skin. Aloe vera and cucumber, for example, are highly popular choices for brightening the skin and minimizing the appearance of dark under-eye circles.

9) Spa Treatments Moisturize The Skin

A few spa staples can help hydrate your skin to make it supple and healthy. Relaxing in the sauna and soaking in a hot tub can also smoothen your skin more effectively than applying lotion. If you have dry skin, you should try getting a weekly day spa treatment to rejuvenate your skin.

This is the portable sauna that I recommend.

10) Spa Treatments Have Anti-Aging Qualities

There are spa ingredients that help delay skin aging to make your body appear more youthful than your age suggests. They can be in the form of lab-prepared topical creams such as collagen and tea extracts.

11) Spa Treatments Clear Your Pores

Some spa treatments such as facial steaming and hot toweling can open your pores, which makes it easier for you to remove gunk and whiteheads in your T-Zone.

12) Self-Massager Devices Improve Blood Circulation

Jade rollers, bristled brush, electric massager and acupressure mats are all self-massager devices that you can use at home for when you’re alone and without extra hands to help you massage your body. These tools help stimulate blood circulation for better body functioning and reduced pain.

Check out these self-massager devices on my resources page: jade rollers, bristled brush, electric massager and acupressure mats.

Marvelous Benefits Of Spa Baths & Hot Tubs

25 Incredible Benefits Of A Spa (Day, Treatments, Tub, Pool); Beautiful girl in the spa hotel

13) Spa Baths Provide Aromatherapy

In many studies, aromatherapy has been linked to a number of health benefits, including symptom relief in chronic conditions such as cancer. Spa baths and hot tubs are ideal spots to use for this kind of therapy because they help diffuse aromatic essential oils (this is what I use) that soothe and calm the body.

14) Hot Tubs Help Improve Cardiovascular Health

The heat produced by hot tubs makes your temperature rise and your heart rate increase, which is ideal for reducing blood pressure and the eventual conditioning of your cardiovascular system. They are safe to use as long as you limit your soaking time to 20 minutes.

After a bit of researching, this is the best inflatable hot tub that I found.

15) Spa Baths Can Cure Skin Problems

Spa baths can be a forgiving treatment if you suffer from eczema or other skin problems except for cancer. By simply soaking up in lukewarm water with essential oils you’re not allergic to, you can help your skin recover from irritation and dryness.

16) Hot Tubs Can Improve Metabolic Health

With the heated water in the tub, your soaked body will experience a higher core temperature, which can increase your heart rate. This happens because your body is working double time to cool down. As a result, your metabolic rate increases as well since the body needs more calories for fuel.

Fabulous Benefits Of Spa Pools

25 Incredible Benefits Of A Spa (Day, Treatments, Tub, Pool); Portrait of beautiful woman relaxing in swimming pool

17) Spa Pools Help Reduce Inflammation

Buoyancy or staying afloat has been reported to help ease inflammation in rheumatoid patients. It reduced muscle tensions which cause the soreness in the first place.

18) Spa Pools Offer An Opportunity For Leisure Swimming

If you have a spa pool big enough to do a few strokes, you’ll have the advantage of swimming for leisure. Soaking and floating in water tests your balance, which is similar to the yin and yang principle in alternative medicine.

Impressive Benefits Of Jacuzzis

25 Incredible Benefits Of A Spa (Day, Treatments, Tub, Pool); Beautiful Woman Enjoying Jacuzzi in Spa Center.

19) Jacuzzis Can Provide Temporary Relief From Pain And Varicose Veins

By alternating the heat range of your jacuzzi, you can help your blood vessels dilate and expand, allowing your blood to flow in areas of spider veins. The drop and increase in temperature will stimulate the blood vessels, which is necessary for improved blood circulation.

20) Jacuzzis Dilate Blood Vessels For Improved Blood Pressure

Vasodilation or the dilation of blood vessels is essential for regulating blood pressure, and this can be achieved by spending time in the jacuzzi. The hot temperature causes the vessels to dilate and your blood pressure to decrease.

Powerful Benefits Of Saunas

25 Incredible Benefits Of A Spa (Day, Treatments, Tub, Pool); Interior of a wooden bed in a home sauna

21) Saunas Help Reduce Joint Pains And Rheumatism

Same as the effect of the jacuzzi and hot tubs, sauna’s heat can dilate the vessels enough to cause the blood to flow in aching areas of the body, thereby reducing the spasms and inflammation.

22) Saunas Help Decongest Your Clogged Nose

If you have colds and your nose is stuffy, you can go inside a sauna to decongest it. The steam will help in easing the mucus in your nostrils to make you breathe easier. In fact, saunas are recommended for people with respiratory problems.

23) Saunas Can Aid In Weight Loss

Increased temperature + increased HGH = fat reduction. This equation has been proposed by a Binghamton University study in which infrared sauna was found to be effective in increasing the human growth hormones (HGH) thought to be instrumental in reducing body fat.

This is the portable infrared sauna you should buy if you are in Europe.

You can buy this infrared sauna if you are from USA.

{RELATED POST: How Infrared Sauna Weight Loss Actually Works}

Surprising Benefits Of Steam Rooms

25 Incredible Benefits Of A Spa (Day, Treatments, Tub, Pool); Beautiful woman relaxing in finnish sauna

24) Steam Rooms Open Pores For Cleansing

Steam can help dilate your pores and cleanse these cavities that might be filled with dirt and oil which make your face look dull and greasy. Regular visits to the steam room can ensure that you’re photo-ready and looking radiant always.

25) Steam Rooms Help Remove Cellulite

Steam stimulates the lymphatic system to reduce the unsightly appearance of cellulite and stretch marks on your skin. You can even help speed up the process by dry brushing your cellulite using a bamboo-bristled brush.

This is my favorite vegan cellulite brush. 

Spa Etiquette

25 Incredible Benefits Of A Spa (Day, Treatments, Tub, Pool); Spa Etiquette

From Visually.


Here is a summary of the main points to help you remember what you’ve learned today.

Incredible Benefits Of A Spa Day
1) A spa day helps you to de-stress
2) A spa day aids in muscle strain recovery
3) A spa day detoxifies your body

Irresistible Benefits Of A Spa Day At Home
4) An at home spa day promotes better sleep
5) An at home spa day energizes your body
6) An at home spa day frees you up of anxiety

Wonderful Benefits Of Spa Treatments
7) Body And Facial Scrubs Exfoliate The Skin
8) Spa Ingredients Help Brighten The Skin And Under-Eyes
9) Spa Treatments Moisturize The Skin
10) Spa Treatments Have Anti-Aging Qualities
11) Spa Treatments Clear Your Pores
12) Self-Massager Devices Improve Blood Circulation

Marvelous Benefits Of Spa Baths & Hot Tubs
13) Spa Baths Provide Aromatherapy
14) Hot Tubs Help Improve Cardiovascular Health
15) Spa Baths Can Cure Skin Problems
16) Hot Tubs Can Improve Metabolic Health

Fabulous Benefits Of Spa Pools
17) Spa Pools Help Reduce Inflammation
18) Spa Pools Offer An Opportunity For Leisure Swimming

Impressive Benefits Of Jacuzzis
19) Jacuzzis Can Provide Temporary Relief From Pain And Varicose Veins
20) Jacuzzis Dilate Blood Vessels For Improved Blood Pressure

Powerful Benefits Of Saunas
21) Saunas Help Reduce Joint Pains And Rheumatism
22) Saunas Help Decongest Your Clogged Nose
23) Saunas Can Aid In Weight Loss

Surprising Benefits Of Steam Rooms
24) Steam Rooms Open Pores For Cleansing
25) Steam Rooms Help Remove Cellulite


With all the abovementioned pros of treating yourself to a spa day, I hope you are convinced that it can cure almost anything that ails your mind and body during a long, tiring week.

It is an all-in-one package that targets your mood and aches, turning them into a pleasurable experience and creating a more invigorated body—something busy moms like us should get the privilege of having.

From relieving pain, conditioning your skin and improving your blood circulation, to aiding in weight loss and enhancing your mood, the benefits of a spa day are something you’ll never get tired of enjoying every once in a while.

Free Essential Oils 14 Day E-Course

If you’d like to know more about how to use essential oils, I love this FREE e-course that walks you through the process step by step. 

Click here to get your FREE 14 Day Essential Oils E-Course. 

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